Letting you in on our buying power
Through the year Renewable Partnerships manages a number of energy ‘buying baskets’ for our clients. This allows smaller users to join together in a basket and receive the electricity prices more normally enjoyed by much larger entities. Levering our buying power and enjoying expert led reputation means that we also have regular opportunities for smaller businesses to join:
A Fixed Price Basket
Using our buying power to bring you business energy rates that would otherwise not be available to you. EXPRESS AN INTEREST to find out more.
Medium sized customers may find that they could benefit from buying energy in multiple blocks over time, rather a single fixed price strategy, hence:
A Flexible Price Basket
For businesses with >£100,000 energy spend you can apply to join our professionally managed portfolio of medium sized businesses who can now access flexible contracts and benefit from low risk management trading costs. EXPRESS AN INTEREST to find out more.
Larger customers often use a bespoke trading strategy covering energy and carbon buying energy in multiple blocks over time, hence:
Portfolio Management
For companies with >£500,000 annual energy spend, we take your energy risk strategy to the market. We work with some of Irelands largest energy consumers and have arrangements in place with a pan-European trading desk for a complete service.