Electricity Brokerage

Energy purchasing strategies, and therefore the Supplier contract, generally reflect one of the following three approaches:

  • fixed energy pricing
  • floating energy pricing
  • flexible energy pricing
  • green energy supply

Some or all of these may be available to you depending upon a premises’ connection status to the network and your energy needs in terms of annual consumption levels.

At Renewable Partnerships we walk you through these challenges and support decisions to arrive at a recommended strategy for your business’ next energy contract. THEN by going out to a wide range of Suppliers, we identify the most competitive and appropriate contract option available, and look after the placing of the contract for you.

Alternatively, you may send us a scan of a recent bill to Alison Crutchley.

[email protected]
028 9521 1295
028 9047 1963
Renewable Partnerships Ltd.,
Inspire Business Park,
Carrowreagh Road,
BT16 1QT